Randy Davis, PhD
Board Member
A licensed psychologist, Dr. Davis has been both a healthcare practitioner and Senior Executive throughout his career. This includes being the Founder, CEO and President of Statewide Behavioral Health Management Company, College Health IPA, and Comprehensive Behavioral Health Management. He’s also Division President of Beacon Health Options — the largest nationally managed behavioral healthcare organization.
As President of RCD Consulting, Dr. Davis assists regional and national behavioral health companies with strategy and growth and helps private equity companies with behavioral health-related initiatives. He’s also a member of the Board of Counselors for Argyros School of Business at Chapman University and a Trustee for Semester at Sea.
What motivates your desire to give back?
While my primary interest continues to be in Behavioral Health, I am committed to helping integrate these important services with the total healthcare experience.
Why are you supporting the medical center?
I looked at many opportunities to help after retirement and find St. Joseph’s like-minded with their mission and commitment to quality care.
Why did you agree to join the foundation board?
My prior neighbor invited me to consider joining the Foundation Board and I have enjoyed the people and the experience over the last few years.