pride of providence
Across the organization, our Providence ministries are nationally recognized for clinical excellence.
perspectives 2024
Welcome to Perspectives, where we share insights and learn from each other. In this issue, we chatted with seven of our foundation treasurers to get a closer look at this vital board role. While their responses varied, they were unified in their commitment to providing their boards with accurate and actionable financial reporting.
a conversation with alice galstian
In March, we welcomed our newest South Division team member, chief financial officer, philanthropy, community health and health equity, Alice Galstian.
featured article
As board members, you have critical skills and knowledge to contribute. How can you ensure you bring your best to the table and bring out the best in our foundations?
state of philanthropy
Giving USA Annual Report for Philanthropy Year 2022 Health Care Giving Insights Contributions to the health subsector comprised 10 of all donations received by charities
perspectives fall 2023
In the Perspectives column we share insights and learn from each other. In this issue, we interviewed six of our chairs.